The Boston Church is a family of nearly twenty-one hundred people in the Greater Boston area who are committed to following Jesus in the 21st Century. We believe that salvation is available only through Jesus Christ and through faith in his grace. We believe that the gospel of God’s grace calls us to submit to Christ in repentance and baptism and then to a life of loving God with all our hearts, souls and minds, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. The Bible is our standard, and we are making every effort to insure that the Scriptures are carefully,accurately and powerfully taught.

Metro Prayer List

Every year we join together for a week long, 24 X 7 prayer chain. This link will take you to the location where you can sign up to participate in the prayer chain.

Photo Uploader

Occasionally we will collect pictures from as many people as are willing to give them. This is a spot that will allow you to upload pictures.

Metro Singing Lessons

Our singing ministry is one of the most visible parts of the regional church services. Here you will find a series of lessons that are designed to help you to sing better.

Visit our Facebook Page

The Metro Facebook page is really our public facing website to the world. That combined with the Boston Church of Christ website will give you an idea of what we are about.


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